Have you ever noticed when you are low, upset or angry that there will be a song which seems rather poignant? The lyrics will be evoking and it is as if the song was wrote for you? The song will somehow trigger strength from within you. You can identify with this song and it somehow becomes a momentary theme tune to your life.
Back in 2005, I had the worst year of my life. I am not going to go into what happened because it is too painful to share but, at the time, whenever I switched on my car radio, REM - Everbody Hurts, played. Could there have been anything more poignant? I am not a spiritual person but there is definitely occasions where you can flick on the radio and a certain song will be playing and it is meant to be. It is perfectly apt.
Here's a rundown of some of the songs which for whatever reason have been played and meant a lot to me.
Teresa xx
Here's a rundown of some of the songs which for whatever reason have been played and meant a lot to me.
Teresa xx
In 2006 I decided I could no longer be with my (then boyfriend and now husband) Steve. Why? Because I was scared. I was scared of being in love, allowing someone into my life, trusting someone and more importantly allowing a man into my two sons lives. I went and met Steve to tell him how I was feeling; we both cried. Then he puts the stereo on in his car and this song plays:
I had a hard time dealing with what happened to me in 2005 and there have been many occasions where I have broken down to Steve and shared my tears, pain and fears. The first time I ever confided in Steve a song was playing in the background, it was Coldplay - Fix You. Steve tells me, this is his song for me. Whenever I hear this song it makes me cry because it makes me realise I have got him by my side, always.
Christmas 2008, my Grandad lost his battle with cancer. My Grandad was my hero. I cannot explain how devastated I was. My Grandad was the most amazing man I have ever met and right from a very young age I always told myself I wanted to be just like him: brave, dignified, funny, kind, warm and honest. My Grandad is still my inspiration now and always will be.
When he was suffering at the evil hands of cancer it was heartbreaking. He was suffering in excruciating pain but right up until the end I could still see glimmers of my Grandad's strength, dignity, warmth and love. The day when I saw him for the very last time I left him and got into my car and this song was playing.
I have purposely chosen the violin version of this song out of personal preference.
Wedding 2010 - Choosing a song for our first dance was a tricky one for me and Steve. We have so many songs which mean a lot to us. Arctic Monkeys - Bet You Look Good On the Dancefloor is probably OUR song but of course, this would never have been suitable as a first dance at a wedding. Well, it would have been for me but Steve was too embarrassed to rock out in front of all our wedding guests. Eventually I found a song through an American website which I had never heard before but when I listened to it, it made me cry lots of happy tears. I played it to Steve and he had the same response too. I then played it to our children and they loved it, in fact, I would often hear my son Max singing it. How sweet?
And what is my song choice for today? This is mine and Steve's favourite. We always put on Boney M when we are doing the housework and sing out very loud.