Tuesday, 31 January 2012

I Am Auto

Some of you may not already know this but I AM very much into cars. Big time!

Top Gear is a TV show I HAVE to watch every week and don't even think of putting a different channel on my television on a Sunday night unless you wish to feel the wrath.  I am just as passionate about cars as I am about fashion, weddings and beauty.  

On Sunday 29th January, I was watching my weekly dose of Top Gear and the regular feature "A Star In A Reasonably Priced Car" was starring Will.i.am of Black Eyed Peas fame. It wasn't until Jeremy Clarkson was interviewing the B.E.P frontman that I realised how flippin' ace Mr Will.i.am is. The bloke is an entrepreneurial genius! Fact! And it gets better, he now designs cars! But not any old car, oh no siree! These cars are sex on wheels and I want one, NOW! 

This car gets a MASSIVE 'I Am Into This' stamp of approval.  Best name for a car manufacturing company too - Iamauto.

This is not the only car from the iamauto range which takes my breath away.  There is also this very cool white transformer-esque style car too, with gul-wing doors!  Feast your eyes on this beast.....

I can see a hint of old Audi 80 Quattro and Lancia Delta in this car design.  Love it.  And don't even get me started on the wheels.......*passes out on floor*

Cool cars rule.

Teresa x

email:  [email protected]

Watches I Am Into

I used to wear a watch all the time because like any other person I like to know what the time is. However the last four or five years I haven't worn a watch at all. Simply because I haven't liked a single watch enough to want to wear it. The whole bling bling was not my thing and the every colour under the rainbow Ice watches were, in my opinion, a bit childish for a woman to wear.

So I am now incredibly pleased to find a watch I would LOVE to wear. And I AM INTO these eighties throwbacks. The simplicity of these two black and white watches will really stand out on your wrist and make any outfit you are wearing instantly cool.

£30 - ticwatches.co.uk
£55 - arkclothing.com

For a more tomboy timecheck then go for one of these and pair it up with either a knuckleduster or a simple signet ring. And if you fancy going for an all out darts player look then style with a big heavy chunky gold chain necklace and bracelet.

£ 69.99 - zgwatches.co.uk
£180.00 - selfridges.com
£ 10.00 - janenorman.co.uk
£590.00 - kabiri.co.uk

These three gold coloured watches are going to look fab on any wrist and I am very drawn to the two digital Casio ones. The aqua faced Casio watch is ideal if you don't fancy donning a big manly watch. 
£90 - topman.com
£40 - goldsmiths.co.uk
£30 - asos.com 

And last but not least, I AM INTO these two fluorescent pink and black watches. Absolute stunning wrist candy!
£11 - watchshop.com
£55 - watchshop.com

I cannot believe I have found so many watches which I AM INTO A LOT and they are all fairly cheap and can easily be purchased from the high street or online. Problem I have now is choosing which one to have.

Teresa x

email:  [email protected]

Monday, 30 January 2012

Heavy Metal

Luscious Lips: Lush Sweet Lips Scrub

For many people, Lush is a bit of a ‘Marmite’ shop - you either love it, or you hate it. And boy, does it divide opinion!

I am one of those few who love it.  I adore the friendly, nutty staff, I love the colourful array of bath bombs and, yes, I even like the smell.  Anything that makes a dirty Brummie street smell pleasant is good enough for me!

Over Christmas, though, I discovered a genius product in there - something that makes it worthwhile for even the biggest of haters to go in.  Seriously, you have to trust me on this!

The Sweet Lips scrub has quickly established itself as one of my all-time favourites.  This little tub is the perfect pre-lipstick treat and will gently buff and prep your smackers.  It is perfect for the harsh winter weather and will make even the most chapped of lips ultra-kissable!

The Lush lip scrubs are mainly made from caster sugar, while a touch of jojoba oil acts as a superb moisturiser.  Flavoured with cocoa and vanilla, it also smells delicious and is a real treat to use in the morning.

I absolutely adore this product.  It leaves my lips super-soft and ultra pink.  I have even stopped having to use lip balm!  Better still, you can actually eat it – and it tastes of chocolate!  What is there not to love about that?

The scrub costs just £4.95 from  here.

Sam x 

Diet Wonder - the Four Hour Body

Now, let me start by saying that this diet isn’t for everyone.  It isn’t easy, it takes a lot of dedication, and you will miss certain foods like crazy!

Ever since I started the Four Hour Body (last June), I have started dreaming of strawberries, raspberries (yes, I know you're normally allowed these things on most diets!), creamy lattes and yoghurts. I even lie awake at night, with visions of chocolate, Haribo and ice cream dancing in my head.

All that considered, this diet has sometimes turned me into a crazy woman. But if you are serious about getting fit and shaping up, then I can promise that this is definitely worth a try.

It has taken me from a size 12-14 right down to a size 8-10. It is incredible. I am the slimmest I have ever been, I am the healthiest I have ever been, and I am also the most confident I have ever been. And who doesn’t want to feel like that?

The Four Hour Body by Tim Ferris basically suggests that, to reach your ideal body weight, all you need to do is work out for four hours a month. Yes, really. FOUR hours a month! You can do more if you want to, but we can all manage an hour a week, right?

It recommends following the diet with a series of kettlebell workouts (I can’t recommend kettlebells enough – they completely transformed my body), but you can pretty much pick the exercise you want to do. I stick with running and aerobics mainly (about five hours a week).

The diet itself is pretty straightforward. It is all about shedding fat by cutting out sugar and focusing on a lean, high-protein diet packed with slow-burning carbs.

You eat three meals a day with no snacking, if at all possible. In these meals, you can eat as much meat as you like. You can gorge on it if you want! You also need to fill yourself up on legumes and beans (not baked beans – butter beans, lentils, that type of thing) and vegetables.

My favourite meals include scrambled eggs for breakfast, bean casseroles and STEAK. Yummy, yummy steak. You are even allowed a glass of red if you want to. Brilliant, no?!

Things you can’t have include: fruit (of any kind), sugar (in pretty much any form), dairy, carbs (that includes cereal and brown bread), alcohol (except your glass of red), caffeine, fizzy drinks.

I like to think of it as a cavewoman diet. If it isn’t natural, or if it wasn’t around thousands of years ago, leave it.

Then, one day a week (and this is the BEST part!!), you can eat whatever you like, in whatever quantity you like…yes, you read that right. You can live off chocolate for one, whole day if you so wish! Perhaps you fancy burger and chips, an afternoon tea, or a KFC? Well, you can have it all. Welcome to Utopia.

The day off not only helps to keep you on track, but it also speeds your metabolism right back up. It is my favourite day of the week, and I spend my whole time writing down what I’m going to have (chocolate, ice cream, chocolate, biscuits).

To summarise:
Rule 1: Avoid eating "bad” carbs.
Rule 2: Eat the same meals week in, week out (this makes it a whole lot easier and more effective).
Rule 3: Don't drink calories.

Rule 4: Don't eat fruit.

Rule 5: Take one day off per week and go INSANE. Enjoy it!

Anyway, if you can stick to this diet, you will see results.  And fast.  You will look and feel better than you ever have done before, and you will feel so so confident!  You won’t even recognise yourself…

In fact, I am even happy to be snapped in my bikini, which I never was before!  And I can guarantee that I never felt so good. 

Sam x

The Four Hour Body by Tim Ferris costs £8.88 and is available from Amazon.

Sunday, 29 January 2012

Brides On Time - Regrets

It's more than a year since our wedding day and last week we watched our wedding dvd. We had not seen it since we first received it fourteen months ago and Oh My Goodness I cannot believe how much of it I had already forgotten! I think I am going to schedule a compulsory twice yearly viewing so we can enjoy the special moment and get all teary-eyed together again and again.

Oh Boy am I glad I listened to other newlyweds advice and booked a videographer when we planned our wedding. Nearly all of the advice I read was how they regretted not having a videographer to record the magical moments of their special day. I can remember when I first read it and thought "Oh Crumbs, we don't have any money!"  I tried juggling the figures a bit, but to no avail, so our bank overdraft was looking the most favourable option to find the much needed money. So I booked it. We had it. And I am bloody glad I did. 

But as a now married woman do I have any regrets about our wedding day? 
I do regret that I only managed one hours sleep the night before. In hindsight maybe a strong sedative wouldn't have gone amiss.

My hair. Yes I regret ruining my hair before I'd arrived at the church due to nearly fainting in the back of the car. If it wasn't for my Dad demanding me to stay conscious because he had not got a clue what to do with a passed out bride, I would have definitely keeled over. I somehow slumped myself in the corner of the backseat and breathed like I was pushing out a 7lb baby.

As you can see in this picture my hair has come undone and needs some urgent hairpin attention.

Being late to the church. Enough said.

Makeup - Booking Make Up By Katy to do my wedding make up was the best decision I could have made. After one hours sleep plus a rash which decided to appear on my shoulders Katy had it covered, literally.

My dress - I love it and I would definitely pick the same one again.  Sarah Houston is an amazing bridal designer and my dress was stunning.

Hand on heart though, do I really really really regret anything about our wedding day? Deep down? Probably not, because when I watch our DVD I don't cry because I look like Captain Caveman. I cry because everytime I watch it I re-live the moment of myself and Steve with our children saying our vows. Proper lump in your throat tearducts-overflow-viewing of seeing yourself at your most vulnerable, most honest and most happiest. It's a moment I will never forget.
Do you have any regrets which you would like to share?  Or any worries about your upcoming wedding?  Then drop us a comment in the box below.

Muchos bridal love

Teresa xx

All photos are the property of I Am Into This and are subject to copyright

We are NOT into this

This week, we are not into this:
  1. Bad customer service. Need we say more?
  2. People adopting the straight-off-the mannequin look. Topshop regulars are particularly bad for this...please, please put your own take on an outfit. Just be yourself!
  3. The lack of snow. We desperately want a snowball fight. Oh, and to make snow angels! And to trample across every last bit of untouched snow.
  4. Cut-out dresses. Why is the WAG look so popular right now? 
  5. Houses which STILL haven't taken down their outdoor Christmas lights, or the inflatable Homer as Santa Claus.
  6. Hospital car parking fees. Why should we have to remortgage our house to visit our loved ones?!
  7. Men with long fingernails. Urgh, just urghhhh.
  8. Weird phone ringtones - we heard a cow mooing the other day.
  9. Internet verification codes...we reckon that you actually have to be a robot to read most of them.
  10. This has got to be worst thing we have seen this week

And check out the scary birds in the glass cabinet behind - taxidermy is vile!

Again, don't forget to tell us what you are NOT into and we will add them to our list in next week's NOT into this post.

Many thanks to this week's NOT INTO contributors @glamourcounty and @left81

Teresa & Sam x

Saturday, 28 January 2012

The Jug

After leaving Our Little Black Book find - Greens Interiors on Thursday, I could not stop thinking about the jug.  When I got home later that day I showed photos of said jug to my husband Steve and he loved it too.  So today he went back to the shop to buy the much coveted jug!

What I failed to notice when we took the original picture of the jug on Thursday was the print on the reverse side - a man on a camel!  So you can imagine my surprise when I saw it today.  It's so vile I love it!

This jug only cost £10 and it's the perfect homeware tragedy to lighten up a shelf in my kitchen.  

Teresa x

TOP TIPS - Confidence Boost

Sometimes we can be our own hardest critic. I know I am terrible for doing this and I am my own worst enemy.  And why?  Because I am a perfectionist.  Being hard on myself is a sure way of debilitating my confidence and ensuring my self esteem is at an all-time low.  So, I have learnt a few tricks to stop myself from trying to be perfect all the time and to actually give myself a bit of break.  Here are my tips:

1.  Firstly you need to accept you can be both flawed AND fantastic. I mean, who really does want the      
     perfect wife, mother, daughter or friend? Nobody does!  I think we often undermine our confidence by 
     trying to be perfect all the time.

2.  Get a pen and paper and write down how bloody ace you are! Ask your husband, your Mum or a 
     friend. I bet they all say the same thing - so write it down.  I carried out this exercise and I cried when I 
     heard the responses; I was truly touched. You must start your writing with I AM (put name here) AND 
     I AM (then write down whatever you were told by close family & friends).  Keep this piece of paper 
     in a visible place where you will see it everyday.

3.  Do a Personal Mission Statement.  I know you might think this sounds all a bit corny but honestly it 
     does work.  Here is a link - click here - to a website which guides you through it step by step and you 
     will be amazed at what you write down about yourself.  Then once you have your personal mission    
     statement make sure you read it regularly and work it into your life.  

So yes, this week's Top Tips are more of a confidence boosting mission for you to partake in if you are feeling a bit bogged down with life at the moment.  Roll on summer!

Take care

Teresa x

Our Little Black Book - Greens Interiors

Every now and then, I stumble across a shop I love so much that it fast becomes one of my favourite places in the world.

This is usually a second-hand bookstore, or an antiques shop. Maybe a vintage clothing emporium, or a dingy old café. Basically, I adore anywhere that feels like an Aladdin’s Cave, a true bazaar. The kind of place where, if you have a good old rummage, you never know what you’re going to find.

Anyway, this is why Teresa and I had to share one of our newest discoveries. It is currently number one in my little black book. If you are ever in the Midlands, please do try and take the time to visit…I guarantee that it will be worth it.

Greens Home Interiors is a furniture company based on the very outskirts of Coventry. Sounds fairly dull and fairly normal, right?

WRONG. Greens is amazing for unique or unusual homeware. Stuffed with contemporary furniture, antique furniture and garden accessories, it contains a real treasure chest of stuff. If you’re anything like me and have a real shabby-chic, mismatched, old-fashioned home, you will love it.

When we went earlier this week to take pics for you, we were in our element. We wandered round with our cameras, not quite knowing where to start. I had been before and felt quite proud when I was introducing Teresa to all these bits and pieces.

Brimming with mahogany desks, church pews, mismatched teacups and saucers, writer’s bureaus, chaise longues, costume jewellery, vintage clothing and so much more, it is the perfect place to while away a few hours.

Here are some of our finds…

Gorgeous, old-school Church pews.

Beaten and battered books. I love the smell of old books. I like to open one, smell it and stroke the pages, imagining who has used or read it before me. Weird, aren't I? I have started collecting them to dot around our conservatory…

An awesome cabinet. If I had somewhere to put this, I’d have snapped it up in a heartbeat.

Mismatched glassware and teacups and saucers.

The world’s tackiest, most in-your-face tropical jug. We love it. We actually had to restrain ourselves from buying it. 

A custard-yellow, rockabilly table

Sequins, sequins and more sequins – a haven for magpies.

Alice and Wonderland china. I had to buy this…I couldn’t resist.

Other eclectic bits and pieces!

Isn’t it wonderful? Call me old-fashioned, but I just love the appeal of places like this. Give me dusty, run-down antiques shops over bright-lit high street stores any day.

If you want to visit Greens, you can find the address and more information here on their website however we at I Am Into This do not feel the website does the place any justice.  You need to pay a visit to appreciate this little treasure trove.

Antiques Adventures, Rugby Road, Binley Woods, Coventry, CV3 2AW
Tel: 024 7645 3878, Fax: 024 7644 5847, Email: 

Lots of mothballs and dusty book love

Sam x

Friday, 27 January 2012

When It Suits Us

I have always been one who strives for equality and many a time out of sheer stubbornness I have insisted I am quite capable of carrying out a task much to the annoyance of my male counterpart. But there are occasions in my life where it totally suits me being a weak, feeble female. These are as follows:
1.    Scary noise in the middle of the night. 

2.    Flat tyre.

3.    Going up ladders. (attics and Christmas decorations are a no-go-zone for me).

4.    Late night trips to local shop to buy chocolate/alcohol/ice cream

5.    Scart leads - nuff said.

6.    At the beach when your children wish to bury you in the sand.

7.    Queuing at bars.

8.    Trolleys, whether they be supermarket or airport trolleys.

9.    Walking the dog when it's hammering it down with rain and you are comfy under a
        blanket on the sofa.

10.   Anything involving sheds or garages.

So. how many other ladies out there are brave to admit  they pretend they are too weak or incapable of doing certain tasks just because they are.....erm.....a girl?

Would love to hear your thoughts on this.

Your damsel in distress when it suits her

Teresa xx


Welcome to Paradise - Hot Holiday Websites

For most of us, January is that time of year where we start to look longingly out of dreary office windows and dream of anywhere but here. I'm sure you're already drifting off and starting to think about your summer holidays...lazy days in the sun, baking hot cities, colourful cocktails. 

It all feels another world away, doesn't it? 

I am a beach bum at heart, and I am already imagining passing my summer on a lilo, coconut cocktail clamped firmly in one hand. I am dreaming of turquoise waters, beaches white as snow and scrumptious local food...

In my search for the perfect getaway, I have stumbled across some brilliant websites I thought I'd share with you. They’re great holiday inspiration for those of you who want to get off the beaten track and find somewhere new.

Here they are:

Rooms for Romance

Since I discovered this site last year, it has become one of my biggest addictions – some of the hotels are absolutely divine. Whether you want huge, roll-top baths, four poster beds, Jacuzzi baths or luxurious spas, you will find it on here.

The website offers customers a collection of luxurious, one-off hotels in countries across the world. You can find anything, from boutique hotels and intimate inns to mountainous retreats and island escapes.

Take your pick…if it is a romantic getaway you are looking for, this website will have it covered.

Ever been to an exotic city and felt you’ve just not quite got the whole experience? Something was missing? Well, what about mixing it up with the locals by staying in their very own home?

Air BnB is a unique website which allows you to search and stay in homes all over the world.  If it’s company you want, you can stay with other people. Or, if you want a bit of TLC, you can book a whole house to yourself.

The idea of this has really taken off thanks to the Olympics. But wherever you want to stay, there’s a place for you on this site.  Better still, it’s incredibly affordable – I found stunning homes in Hawaii for as little as $35 a night and Manhattan lofts from $65. It is brilliant!

Like the idea of Air BnB, but hate the idea of intruding in someone’s house for weeks on end? Well, why not try Dine With Locals?

The website pairs up locals with travelers so that you can get to grips with a country’s true culture and scene. I’m a huge believer in getting to know the people rather than the place, and this is perfect for anyone who agrees with me!

If you use this site and book in, you’ll get to enjoy a delicious, home-cooked meal of authentic cuisine, all while enjoying a splash of local culture. What’s not to love?

Now, for me, the words “cool” and “camping” are not ones which tend to go hand-in-hand. Ever since I was a Brownie and had a bad experience camping (a sheep hijacked my tent in the middle of the night. It headbutted me, I screamed, it ran…it wasn’t good.), I have not been a happy camper.  In fact, I refuse to do it, full-stop.

However, even I have to admit that some of these tents (I’m not sure they can really be called that…they are far too glamorous!) look quite tempting. Check them out! 

This is one of my all-time favourite websites. It instantly gives me wanderlust…

While these hotels aren’t the cheapest, you will be hard-placed to find anything better or more beautiful. Just take a look at the décor in some of these places! The headboards, the four posters, the wallpaper…I want my home to look just like one of these hotels.

Anyway, if you do like the look of this website, it is currently free to become a Mr and Mrs Smith Blacksmith member. This means you can get exclusive offers, cashback when you book and free extras at all their hotels.

This genius website offers you holidays at knock-down, members-only prices.  Hotels (including luxury ones) approach them when they have rooms to fill, meaning you get first dibs on all the bargains.

All you have to do is give them your details and they will send you exclusive offers and deals straight to your inbox. Brilliant!

I hope you enjoy searching for your dream getaway as much as I do. Now it's just time to start counting down the days, hours and minutes...

If only we could speed up time, eh?

Sam x

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