Sunday, 29 January 2012

We are NOT into this

This week, we are not into this:
  1. Bad customer service. Need we say more?
  2. People adopting the straight-off-the mannequin look. Topshop regulars are particularly bad for this...please, please put your own take on an outfit. Just be yourself!
  3. The lack of snow. We desperately want a snowball fight. Oh, and to make snow angels! And to trample across every last bit of untouched snow.
  4. Cut-out dresses. Why is the WAG look so popular right now? 
  5. Houses which STILL haven't taken down their outdoor Christmas lights, or the inflatable Homer as Santa Claus.
  6. Hospital car parking fees. Why should we have to remortgage our house to visit our loved ones?!
  7. Men with long fingernails. Urgh, just urghhhh.
  8. Weird phone ringtones - we heard a cow mooing the other day.
  9. Internet verification codes...we reckon that you actually have to be a robot to read most of them.
  10. This has got to be worst thing we have seen this week

And check out the scary birds in the glass cabinet behind - taxidermy is vile!

Again, don't forget to tell us what you are NOT into and we will add them to our list in next week's NOT into this post.

Many thanks to this week's NOT INTO contributors @glamourcounty and @left81

Teresa & Sam x
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