Friday, 20 January 2012


After spotting these beauties on Etsy last night they took immediate precedence over the blog post I was going to write.  I had to share them with you because I AM INTO them, big style!  I hope you will understand why I could not wait to share them with you and now you are going to have to wait for what I was going to write until tomorrow.

I have not even shared this post with Samantha and I know, in fact, I can guarantee she is going to yelp, scream and say WOW when she sees them on here.  

Check these babies out.

How ace are these going to look in my kitchen?  I have not purchased them (yet) but hopefully husband will.  You never know....

Happy Spiky Friday!

Teresa x

P.S.  I am going to hold the fingers on my hand in the 'devil horn' pose and rock out.
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