After immersing myself in the world of the Geisha, I found myself addicted to kimono jackets and oriental prints. My wardrobe is chock-full of eclectic prints and kaleidoscope skirts. And lucky me, the catwalks were ablaze with similar items for SS12.
As style savvy girls, you’ll have already seen that many high street stores are getting in early on the print trend, churning out tropical blazers and Mary Katrantzou-esque dresses. But for those who are a little scared of looking gaudy, the kimono is the perfect way to subtly nail this trend.
Just hear me paring a jacket with skintight jeans, a slicked-back ponytail and dramatic make-up, you can look kinda…well, fierce, and not at all girly. And if you are feeling brave, why not go all-out and opt for a print dress?
It's the fashion equivalent of a Ming vase and will turn you into a walking piece of art.
Sam x