Saturday, 28 January 2012

TOP TIPS - Confidence Boost

Sometimes we can be our own hardest critic. I know I am terrible for doing this and I am my own worst enemy.  And why?  Because I am a perfectionist.  Being hard on myself is a sure way of debilitating my confidence and ensuring my self esteem is at an all-time low.  So, I have learnt a few tricks to stop myself from trying to be perfect all the time and to actually give myself a bit of break.  Here are my tips:

1.  Firstly you need to accept you can be both flawed AND fantastic. I mean, who really does want the      
     perfect wife, mother, daughter or friend? Nobody does!  I think we often undermine our confidence by 
     trying to be perfect all the time.

2.  Get a pen and paper and write down how bloody ace you are! Ask your husband, your Mum or a 
     friend. I bet they all say the same thing - so write it down.  I carried out this exercise and I cried when I 
     heard the responses; I was truly touched. You must start your writing with I AM (put name here) AND 
     I AM (then write down whatever you were told by close family & friends).  Keep this piece of paper 
     in a visible place where you will see it everyday.

3.  Do a Personal Mission Statement.  I know you might think this sounds all a bit corny but honestly it 
     does work.  Here is a link - click here - to a website which guides you through it step by step and you 
     will be amazed at what you write down about yourself.  Then once you have your personal mission    
     statement make sure you read it regularly and work it into your life.  

So yes, this week's Top Tips are more of a confidence boosting mission for you to partake in if you are feeling a bit bogged down with life at the moment.  Roll on summer!

Take care

Teresa x

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