Believe it or not, I used to be a punk. Yes, you read that
right…a punk.
Most people are shocked when I tell them this. They can’t
quite comprehend that I, a girly girl with hundreds of shoes and pretty summer
dresses, used to wear battered fishnets, holey converse and studded belts.
Once, I even attempted a Mohican. It was not a good look,
but what could you expect from a girl whose favourite band was called Leftover
Anyway, my love for punk music left me with a penchant for
eyeliner. Lashings and lashings of eyeliner. I like the way that it toughens up
any look. Plus, the messier and smudgier it is, the better!
So, imagine my surprise when this week, I ditched the
eyeliner in favour of bright red lippy and tousled hair.
I was having a make-up clear out when I discovered an old
tube of MAC’s Cockney red. Something made me try it on, and now I am addicted!
I have applied it with my finger-tips to achieve a slightly less intense look –
but when I’m used to it, I’ll be going all out…
Consider me converted.
Sam x
P.S Please ignore the messy 'close-up'...I don't own a lipstick brush, so precision isn't my strongest point!
Sam x
P.S Please ignore the messy 'close-up'...I don't own a lipstick brush, so precision isn't my strongest point!