Monday, 6 February 2012

Cool Stuff We Find - 'No Ordinary Phone Box'

cool phone box

This may look like an ordinary phone box on a normal street, except that it is not - not at all!

You know the police box is a tardis on Doctor Who? Well, in a village there is a phone box with its own little secret. You see this isn't a phone box, is....but there is no phone for you to use inside.

phone box library

If you look closely on the wall, you will see what this little phone box is. No, not an ASBO Disco, but it is in fact a book exchange.  How cool is that?

telephone library

My husband spotted this little red phone box last week in a village called Cotesbach in Leicestershire.  He was so taken aback by this fantastic treasure that he took these photos with his iPhone to show me.  He went back a few days later and swapped a book.  We do not know who is responsible for the upkeep of the phone book exchange, but clearly someone is devoted to it and has even placed a vase with some dried flowers in it.  Bless.

library in a phone boxphone books
phone booth

If you find anything cool and quirky near to where you live then please let us know.  We would love to share some more cool stuff with everyone.

Teresa x

All photos are subject to copyright and are the property of I Am Into This

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