Monday, 6 February 2012

99 Women and Me Wrote a Book

Back in November 2010 I was asked to write a short story about 'A Day In My Life'.  My contribution was going to be put in a book called 'A Day In The Life of 100 Women in Britain.' Wow, I thought, how exciting is this? Me, my writing, in print!

I am no accomplished writer or journalist and yes this will probably be the only time my name and writing will be in a book. But I am unbelievably honoured to have been asked and more so pleased that I could partake in a book project for such a valuable cause - raising funds to help women and children in Nepal.

With such delight I cleared my desk to start writing straightaway. However, I was soon staring at a blank screen, wondering what on earth was I going to write about. A Day In The Life of Teresa is pretty darn boring and probably nothing out of the ordinary to most women. After much huffing and puffing I realised that I didn't have to write about a regular day but actually I could pick a moment from one of my days in my life to write about.

Well, as it had been my wedding only a few weeks earlier I thought I would choose this day. A Day In The Life of a Bride. Now, of course a wedding day is rather hectic and jam-packed with lots of different events throughout which meant condensing my words into a succinct piece of writing was going to be bloody impossible.  Hmmm, I had to pick one specific moment from the day to write about.....

Now, you would think I would have chosen the moment I walked up the aisle to my anxiously waiting husband-to-be; or maybe I could have shared the feelings I felt when the vicar announced us as husband and wife; or maybe I could have written about the beautiful speeches my children did.

Nope, none of them. Me being me, I decided to write about the moment when it was just me and my Dad at home, on our own, minutes before we leave to go to the church.

And no, I didn't write about the bit where you share a special moment with your Dad where you both cry and he asks if this is definitely what you want and he tells you how beautiful you look and how proud of you he is.

I, in fact, decided to write about my Dad helping me to go to the toilet. Yep, him pulling up my knickers and everything. This moment was the most hilarious event of the day. And I know Rosa who co-ordinated the book project was in absolute stitches when she read my Day In The Life.

If you would like to read more about my toilet trip with my Dad and read the other 99 stories from women (one of whom is 95 years of age!) or actually would like to make a donation to this much worthy cause then please purchase the book from 100 Women Book Project website.

Many thanks

Teresa x

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