Tuesday, 21 February 2012

A Good Brew

We love a good cuppa. In fact, we are of the firm belief that a strong brew and a slice of cake can solve all of life's dilemmas.

Whatever your worries, whether they are of the pesky, man-shaped variety, or of the work stresses type, a vat of PG Tips can solve any woe.

So, with this in mind, a good mug is just as important. Because, let's face it, a good cup of tea is ruined with a naff, chipped cup, right?

When we stumbled across Hidden Art Shop (http://www.hiddenartshop.com), we wanted pretty much EVERYTHING. But it's their china which particularly stood out for us (I am desperate for the 'lap mugs'!) And if you don't want a mug, just take a look at the sugar holder!

Sam x

Paris Did You Know? mug
Drip china cup

Heart mug
Lap Mugs, complete with concave bases for resting on your knees...
Triangular mug
Colourblind test mug
The world's most glam sugar dish
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