Sunday, 12 February 2012

Rainbow Denim

I don't know about you, but this weather is making me crave colour. Lemon yellow, neon pink, vivid shades of purple - I want it in all its glorious, technicolour beauty.

In fact, despite the mad looks I've been getting, I've decided that I don't want to wait for spring to drag out my new pastel jeans. I am rocking them right now, and I don't care!

Here are a few other pairs I'm lusting after...

Sam x

Rainbow Denim

J Brand lemon yellow jeans, £225
True Religion lime green stretch skinny jeans, €229
Topshop turquoise blue jeans, £38
Vero Moda pink jeggings, £28
Topshop emerald green jeans, £38
J Brand purple skinnies, £225
Oasis mustard jeans, £45

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