Sunday, 5 February 2012

NOT into this

Here is our moan/rant about what we are NOT into this week.  Grab yourself a cuppa and a biscuit and join in with our moan by telling us what has been winding you up recently.  Just drop a comment in the box below.

1.   Toast crumbs in the butter. How do you avoid it? Why does it happen?!

2.   Fake UGGs which the wearers walk in lop-sided. Actually, just UGGs full-stop...

3.   TOWIE. We don't get it...we tried, we really did, but we just don't love it. What's with all the surgery
      and trout pouts?

4.   Pete Doherty modelling for The Kooples. Wrong, just wrong.

5.   Bitchy online comments - Trip Advisor seems to be a haven for the most pedantic people.

6.   Come Dine With Me. Full of snide, bitchy people. Be nice and just enjoy your food!

7.   Ladies who go out partying in the subzero temperatures of winter wearing nothing but a skimpy dress. 
      I am aware that we sound like the Daily Mail or OAP brigades here, but WHY?! Wear a coat, it's  

8.   Overplucked eyebrows. Painful and just plain wrong.

9.   Knowing this is the last series of Desperate Housewives. Crushing.

10. Women acting dumb to get attention. If you watch Take Me Out, you'll know what we're on about 
      here...why is it desirable for women to be seen as bimbos? We're not feminists, but we are so anti this 
      it is untrue! Show your intelligence, ladies - it is attractive.

11.  Because it is SOOOO cold this week, we are forced to dress like this:

Source - Pinterest
Hope you are having a great weekend!

Teresa & Sam xx

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