Monday, 12 March 2012

Product Lust - Blush Horizon De Chanel

Sometimes, I stumble across a compact that is so pretty, so breathtakingly beautiful that I don't even want to use it. It would seem like a shame or a waste to rub it onto my face...

Each season, Chanel releases one of these compacts, and their latest Blush Horizon De Chanel is no exception. It is utterly beautiful! In fact, let's take a minute to just admire it - isn't it gorgeous?  Its pretty mix of pastel pinks, peaches and white were apparently inspired by the light of dawn and sunsets, but they just scream "spring!" at me.

Blusher is my ultimate 'Desert Island' product because it is the only thing which stops me from looking like death warmed up in the morning. Lately, lack of sleep (read:pregnancy) has given me a pale, sallow complexion and so I was delighted to discover this compact.

Despite its price tag (£46 from Selfridges), I knew that I had to have it. It gives the apples of my cheeks a gorgeously pretty glow and really lifts my skin. In fact, it actually makes me look younger - and that can never be a bad thing, right?

The powder has a lovely velvety texture and shows up on fair skin with just one sweep. Each strip of colour offers a different level of 'shimmer' (I tend to avoid shimmery products in the daytime, but this offers just the right amount of glow and not the usual disco ball effect), but it is best when mixed together - it gives a really warm colour.

As always with Chanel products, the packing is beautiful and very understated. It feels super luxe, yet sleek and stylish all at the same time. In fact, both the brush and the compact come with their own velvet pouches - very glamorous!

Anyway, it doesn't matter what I say. This is the ultimate tag of approval...The first time I wandered downstairs wearing it, hubby looked me up and down, smiled and said: "Your make-up looks really pretty today." And that is something which he never, ever notices...

Sam x
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