Thursday, 8 March 2012

Taking the Plunge - A Haircut

I know for many ladies their hair is their pride and joy and the sheer thought of a hairdresser coming near their long locks with a pair of sharp, shiny scissors makes them undergo a full-on panic attack.

This is truly evident when you watch one of my favourite episodes from America's Next Top Model  when the aspiring models undergo a transformation and get a new hair do which is chosen for them. I am always shocked by the girls reactions; there are a lot of tears and more often than not, a massive tantrum. But no matter what, they always look a whole lot better once the transformation has taken place.

Now I have always been a bit partial to a transformation and I would LOVE for a stylist to tell me which  hairstyle would suit me best. I certainly would not be upset about the outcome, I would embrace it 100%!

Unfortunately I will never get the opportunity to be professionally advised on what would be best for me so I totter along trying out new things myself. I am always partial to restyling my hair whether that be colour, length, straight or wavy. However, since I hit my thirties I seem to have shied away from taking the plunge.

Years ago I was never your typical girl who requested a trim to maintain a long mane of hair. I liked to be adventurous. Many occasions I spontaneously popped off to the salon and had it all lopped off without telling anyone - much to the shock of my family and friends.

In my youth I sported a pixie cut (think Twiggy) for many years, I also dyed my hair chocolate brown, black/red, highlighted, shaved, used endless cans of extra-strong hairspray to set my hair like concrete as well as other forms of barnet abuse. And why? Because I LOVE change!

I think the reason for these such drastic hair changes is because I get bored but more often that not it is  determined by life events. I am one of those who literally does wash cut that man out of my hair. This approach I have adopted whenever I have been through a tough time and right now I am needing to make a big change to my hair, start a new fresh, so to speak.

I am currently really drawn to having my long hair reduced to a pixie cut again, but I am worried whether I may end up looking more like Dame Judi Dench than Michelle Williams-esque seeing as I no longer have youth on my side. To make things even more complicated, the hairdresser who I have trusted for the last 10 years to look after my locks is on maternity leave!

So, please let me know if you have taken the plunge and had a recent hair makeover, oh and if you know a supercool hairdresser (near to where I live in Leicestershire or Warwickshire) who you would recommend then that would be bloody marvellous.

Yours with fed up of hair

Teresa xx
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