Monday, 19 March 2012

Fashion Lust - Rag and Bone Neon Skinnies

You know those dreaded, evil days before pay day? The days when you end up torturing yourself by window shopping and seeing a million and one things that you NEED, but can't afford?

Of course you do, we've all been there! Yet if you're anything like me, as soon as the magical day arrives and you actually have money to spend, you can't find ANYTHING you like - anything at all.

Well, being pregnant seems to be like that for me. Perhaps it's because I know that I can't buy anything, but I desperately, desperately long to add to my wardrobe.

Anyhow, these beautiful Rag and Bone neon skinnies are my latest lust-have! Aren't they gorgeous? They're brilliant for adding a subtle flash of colour to your wardrobe. I would love to own a pair in every single shade under the sun! If only they had a maternity range...

They cost £165 per pair and are available here from Net-a-Porter.

Sam x

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