Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Glow Girl - Cambridge Satchel Company

I may have shared this with you one too many times (sorry if you want me to shut up! I am positive that many of you do), but my vision for this season involves a lot of colour. Rainbows of colour, in fact. All you need to do is imagine Joseph and his Technicolour Dreamcoat and you’re already halfway there.

With this in mind, one of my season lust-haves instantly became the Cambridge Satchel. Coming in an array of colours, you can pretty much take your pick. Whether you fancy a clean white satchel, a traditional schoolgirl look, or a neon yellow, they have it all.

But despite its Ultimate Barbie girl look and despite the fact that, as a former tomboy I used to HATE pink, by far and away my favourite is this neon pink number. In fact, I love it so much that I had to order it…

When it arrived, I was so happy. Ridiculously happy, in fact! I quickly took it on an outing (supermarket shopping – I attracted a LOT of weird looks) and was delighted with the way it made my outfit ping.

I love how it peps up my dull outfits and 'lifts' my camel coat into the new season. Better still, it is so bright that it even makes my skin glow pink - instant love!

What do you think? 

Sam x

P.S If you're a fellow Cambridge Satchel lover, check out Bag Servant's rather wonderful online magazine. Starring...er...me! Weird, eh? http://bagservant.co.uk/magazine

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