Don't you just want to stick your face in it?! |
So this week, I trotted off to Tesco to take advantage of their BOGOF offer and decided to experiment. Actually, I lie a little bit - experimenting with a tub of Cadbury's Philadelphia was the only way I could stop myself from digging into it with a spoon and little else.
After chatting to the lovely @emsulley, I decided to make some chocolate chip muffins with a dollop of chocolate Phily inside. Yet, even I couldn't have prepared myself for the instant love when these came out of the oven...they taste INCREDIBLE and are so gooey and decadent! Now I want to attempt a cheesecake with my new find.
One hint for you - eat them when they're still warm and still melt-in-the-mouth.
Sam x
P.S I adapted the lovely Nigella Lawson's chocolate chip muffin recipe for these. But I'd imagine any recipe will work just fine!
Cadbury's Philadelphia Choc Chip Muffins
(Bakes 10 large muffins)
250g plain flour
2 tsps baking powder
1/2 tsp bicarbonate of soda
175g caster sugar
1 egg
90ml vegetable oil
250ml milk
200g chocolate chips (I used a mixture of white and milk chocolate chips)
One tub of Cadbury's Philadelphia
1. Preheat the oven to 200C. Fill a muffin tray with 10 cases and set aside.
2. Measure out all of the dry ingredients (leaving about 50g of chocolate chips aside) and stir them together in a large mixing bowl.
3. Pour the oil and milk into a measuring jug, then add the egg. Give a quick stir.
4. Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and mix together. However, don't overbeat - this will result in a flat top and a cupcake, rather than a muffin! You should aim for a smooth, but not firm, mixture.
5. Spoon the mixture into the cases, until they are about two-thirds full. Now, dollop the Cadbury's Philadelphia on top, then fill the cases with the rest of the muffin batter.
6. Sprinkle the remaining chocolate chips over the top, then bake in the oven until they are risen and springy to the touch (this should take about 20 minutes).
7. Place on a rack to cool, or simply devour them as they are...