Friday, 30 March 2012

Friday Food Lust - Hummingbird Bakery's Key Lime Pie

The Hummingbird Key Lime Pie
With the weather so glorious this week (I've just jinxed it now, I know I have - apologies!), it's got me thinking of delicious, summery desserts. I'm thinking citrusy, fruity, light and airy puddings which are perfect for making your mouth water on a sunny day.

I first made the Hummingbird Bakery Key Lime Pie for one of my best friends, who happens to have a serious addiction to Waitrose Key Lime Pie. Anyway, I was amazed at the results - it's simple to make, tastes absolutely divine (said friend reckons it was one of the best things he's ever eaten - beats Waitrose hands down!) and, as baking goes, it's relatively cheap too.

Anyway, the filling is deliciously sharp and zingy - brilliant when combined with the buttery biscuit base. If you want something a little lighter, leave off the whipped cream topping. But if you're anything like me, decadence is the way to go...and why not?

So, if you're looking for a dish to impress for a summer BBQ, here we go...


Sam x


For the filling and topping:
8 egg yolks
2 x 397g tins of condensed milk
Freshly squeezed juice and zest of 5 limes
450ml whipped cream (optional)

For the base:
500g Digestive biscuits
200g unsalted butter, melted.

One 23cm pie dish, greased


1) Preheat the oven to 170 degrees. To make your biscuit base, roughly break up the Digestives with your hands (or a rolling pin, if you want a little bit more therapy!), then pop them into the food processor. Blitz until they are finely ground crumbs.

2) Place the biscuit dust into a rage mixing bowl, then add the melted butter and stir together until combined. Press this mixture into the base of the pie dish, then neatly up the sides. Use a spoon to flatten and compress.

3) Bake the biscuit base in the preheated oven for 20 minutes, until deep golden and firm. Set aside and leave to cool completely.

4) Turn the oven down to 150 degrees. Place the egg yolks, condensed milk and lime juice in a mixing bowl, then whisk until everything is smooth and well incorporated. This is my favourite bit as it smells absolutely delicious - like summer in a bowl! You want the liquid to thicken naturally as you go along.

5) Pour the limey liquid over the ready-cooled biscuit base, then bake for 20-30 minutes. When it's cooked, the filling will be firm to the touch, but ever-so-slightly soft in the centre (without being wobbly!).  Leave to cool completely, then cover and refrigerate for at least one hour, or overnight if possible.

6) When you're ready to serve the pie, whip the cream with a handheld whisk until soft peaks form. Spread over the pie and decorate with sprinklings of lime zest.

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