Call me old-fashioned, but I LOVE the smell of roses. To me, they're ever so slightly whimsical, a little bit Alice in Wonderland. They make me think of racing through meadows on a spring day, or wandering through rose gardens with a huge grin on my face.
This is probably why I think they're the perfect, classic scent for any bride-to-be to wear on her wedding day.
Anyway, if you can't afford to splash out on a pricey perfume (and let's face it, don't you have other priorities? Like shoes?) Lush Cosmetics have released the ideal range for all brides who want to smell like...well, a bed of roses.
First up is the gorgeous Ro's Argan Body Conditioner, which costs £15.50 and is the perfect body moisturiser for those who are as lazy as me. All you need to do is step in the shower, apply it to your body like you would a hair conditioner, then rinse off and towel dry...easy peasy!
It is jam-packed with super nourishing treats and ingredients (including the classic Moroccan Argan Oil, Cocoa Butter, Almond Oil and Shea Butter) which all left my body feeling like silk. Again, it passed the Hubby Test - he kept stroking my arms and commenting on how soft they felt!
This is the perfect treat to use in the shower on the morning of your wedding, or just to pep up your normal shower routine. The scent of rose is beautifully light and subtle, yet it also happens to last all day - perfect to carry you through from the ceremony right into the reception. In fact, I guarantee that people will ask you what you're wearing! I get it all the time after I've applied this...
Next up is the beautiful Tisty Tosty bath bomb, costing just £3.10. While I can guarantee that most brides-to-be probably don't have time for a long soak in the bath on the morning of their wedding (if you do, then I have no idea what the hell I was doing!), this is THE perfect pre-wedding pampering treat.
Or, if you want to be even more romantic, perhaps it's a good one to leave for the honeymoon!
Anyway, this is one of the most luxurious bath bombs I've ever used. Packed with seven small rosebuds which emerge under water, you can't help but feel incredibly glam as you lie back and relax...I can imagine old-school movie stars bathing with roses and rosebuds. Or is that just me?
With its gorgeous smell of rose, as well as Geranium Oil, Lemon Oil and Jasmine, this leaves the whole house smelling divine. Definitely one to use again and again and again...