I think I might be getting a bit nostalgic. I have been thinking about all those cool birthday parties I attended when I was a little girl. Times where we spent playing musical chairs and pin the tail on the donkey whilst we were stuffed with jelly, ice cream and party rings.
Kids nowadays don't have half the fun we had during the 80s, hardly any parents host the parties at their own homes. I know I never have, the thought of twenty kids hyped on jammie dodgers and trashing my house fills me with dread. Big up the parents of the 80s, they were much braver than me.
Anyway, the one thing I can always remember making when I was little was jelly, I loved the moment when you see whether it has worked or not. The sheer apprehension of removing the jelly from the mould was exciting.
I say, bring back jelly and ice-cream! It's a favourite with the children and an all-time party treat. Here are some fab jelly moulds which will look super on any plate. I am loving the giant jelly baby one!
Teresa x