Monday, 21 May 2012

Fabulous Finds - FieldCandy Tents

Now, let me get this straight - I am not a camper. Ever since my ill-fated days as a Brownie when a sheep hijacked my tent in the middle of the night (I kid you not), I have never ever slept in a tent.

Unfortunately this means that, however much I would love to, I just don't do festivals. I am a HUGE wimp - I can't bear the idea of all that mud and rain. Throw in the possibility of sheep and the thought of not showering for days and it's a complete no-no...

However, these two person FieldCandy tents at Selfridges are so darn cool that they might even persuade me to camp out in one (just in my back garden, obviously). Plus, they're so bright that you would never ever be lost at a campsite again! I'll just avoid the sheep print one...

Sam x

What A Melon tent, £555
Strawberry Surprise tent, £495
Picnic Perfect tent, £495

Wish You Were Here tent, £495

Animal Farm tent, £449

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