Thursday, 31 May 2012

DIY Beauty

Ever since I started craving avocado, I've become a teensy bit obsessed with this super food. Packed with nutrients and rich in anti-ageing anti-oxidants, this is one of the healthiest foods on the planet.

But while it is amazingly good for you (please ignore the fact that it's relatively high in calories - it's all good fats, people!), did you know that it also has endless beauty benefits too? In fact, you can use it to make up one of the best hair masks known to mankind...

I've been experimenting this week with some old-school DIY beauty treatments - some of them found on Google, some of them passed down as far as great-great grandparents. If these recipes stand the test of time for that long, there has to be something in them, right?

These recipes are great if you're looking for a beauty pick-me-up but don't want to invest big'll have most of the ingredients already at home!

Do you have any DIY beauty tips? Please feel free to share them - I'm in need of all the help I can get with little one on the way!

Sam x

Avocado Hair mask


Mix a free range egg yolk with a tablespoon each of olive oil and honey, then add in half a mashed, peeled avocado. Apply to your hair, concentrating on the ends, and leave for twenty minutes. Shampoo and condition as normal for ultra shiny, luscious locks!

Honey Face Mask

This is a brilliant face mask if your skin is sensitive and suffers from acne or scarring. It's lovely and soothing, natural and basically a bit of a miracle all-rounder - better still, you probably have all the ingredients in your cupboard already! Just trust me on this one...

Add one tablespoon of honey to one teaspoon of ground nutmeg and one teaspoon of ground cinnamon and mix until they form a rich, chocolate-coloured paste. Pop it on your face for half an hour (be warned, it does drip!) and go and scare your partner...then simply wash it off and admire!

Brown Sugar Body Scrub

This is one of the best natural exfoliators around, and is perfect for a pre-beach holiday lift, or for giving yourself a great pedicure or lip exfoliation. Just pop it in a large container and use for as long as possible!

You'll need:
60g brown sugar
One tablespoon of honey
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1/4 teaspoon fresh lemon juice

Chuck the brown sugar into a bowl and stir in olive oil until the sugar is just moist. Stir in the honey, then add in your lemon juice - now relax and enjoy!

Salt Spray for Beach Goddesses

My hair looks its best when I've just been on the beach. I love the carefree, tangled waves the sea salt gives me - and I'm always looking to replicate that at home! Well, you can easily do it without needing to hit the beach, nor do you need to head to Boots to buy a salt spray. 

All you need is one spray bottle (just use the type you keep for plants!), a few teaspoons of salt (the more salt you use, the more texture your hair will have), one cup of water, five drops of your favourite essential oil. Then, pour the ingredients into the bottle, shake and go!

Some other top tips...

You can always detangle knotted, difficult hair with grape juice - simply leave on for 15 minutes, then rinse out. 

Add some milk to your bath, along with a couple of drops of olive oil, for a great moisturising treat.
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