Saturday, 28 April 2012

Our Little Black Book - Natural History

Oh, how I want everything on the Natural History, Origin of Style website! And before you ask, no, it has nothing to do with the Natural History Museum!

As I often find with shops I love, I've sat here for the past hour swooning over item after item after item. Whether it be the hidden box books, the hummingbird and bumble bee cushions, or a flamingo notebook, I love it ALL.

Launched in the summer of 2010, it's the brainchild of Sarah, who ditched her PhD in 15th Century poetry in order to pursue her passion of combining the whimsical (think the hidden box books) with the decadent (think fluffy towels!)

I hope you enjoy browsing the site every bit as much as I do - go on, treat yourselves! It is Saturday after all...

Sam x

P.S Look at how glam the aprons are! Yes, you read that right. Nigella, eat your heart out!

Hidden Box Books
Flamingo notebook

Hot dog mug, £15
Gertrude Jekyll vase, £50
Carafe Ball, £15
Morning apron
Bumble bee plates
Hummingbird wall prints, £25 for six
Hummingbird notebooks
Medicine bottle, £8.95

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