This week, Michaela is relieving our groaning bank accounts (just for a while!) by tearing away from beautiful bags and focusing on how to spot a fake handbag. A good guide to use whenever we think we've spied a bargain - some things are ALWAYS too good to be true...
Sam x
Our dream designer handbag was always going to come with a pretty hefty price tag, so it’s no wonder so many of us are on the lookout for clearance sales and second hand bargains. Unfortunately, in the midst of all the quality designer products on the market, there’s also plenty of people ready to exploit our obsession with style by selling knock-offs. Here’s our top tips to ensure you become the owner of a real investment piece instead of a piece of cheap plastic.
1. Research
Once you’ve set your heart on a particular design, start researching it as much as you can - what materials and colours the designer uses for the handbag. Don’t forget to suss out the small details too, the size of the clasp, the compartments hidden inside and the brand logo. That way you’ll get a great idea of the specifics you should be on the look out for.
2. Irregularities
Designer handbags are made from high quality materials. The leather is not going to peel, the patent leather is going to be shiny and the colour used in the handbag is usually going to be consistent from bag to bag. An expensive bag should look and feel luxurious, and if you’re shopping online, look for larger images to help you analyse the product.
3. Size
A fake designer bag is more likely to be different in its dimensions com- pared to those of an actual designer bag, although the rest of the bag might look the same. Many trusted retailers list the real bag dimensions, which works as a great tool for com- parison (as well as checking the size will suit your needs!)
4. Lining
Another place where many fake designer artists skimp is the lining of the bag. Most designers will use high quality fabrics even in the lining of their bags, often with huge detail in the stitching so that it is well-fitted to the frame. The fabric design and colour can also be used as evidence of a knockoff. Try to see what the de- signer liner should look like, and then compare that against the bag that you are offered.
5. Price
Not many designer bags are discounted, unless they are bags from previous seasons. Familiarise yourself with which styles have only recently been introduced (colours or different ma- terials included), these are the ones which you will be unlikely to find reduced unless second hand. In the majority of the cases, the sale price for a designer bag is not going to be under 60 percent of the actual retail price. Be especially wary of websites that offer full ranges at a discounted price.
If the price of a real designer handbag is a bit daunting, it’s a much better idea to invest in a look-a-like bag. Not only are fakes illegal, but the high-street offers a great selection of similar bags that will suit any budget – a great way to give that designer style a trial run!
To find out more, read our buyers' guide at