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You know the feeling. You've just been on a mammoth, "desperately-needed" shopping spree and you've returned home, giddy with your new purchases. You're laden down with carrier bags and you're beaming from ear to ear as you race upstairs, ready to hide all evidence of the splurge from your partner.
Only, wait...now you've got there, you don't have nearly as much room as you thought. In fact, you don't have any space. You're standing there, staring helplessly at your overflowing wardrobe as you try to find somewhere - anywhere! - to stow away those clothes.
My drawers are overflowing (in fact, I've lost count of the number of drawers I have broken due to over-stuffing), and my wardrobe will never ever shut, while our spare room is simply known as "Sam's shoe room". God help us when it becomes a nursery - perhaps I will need to create mobiles out of shoes?
Anyway, for those of you who are in urgent need of a wardrobe spring clean (aren't we all?), the gorgeous founder of Style Sequel, Emma Allen, has given us her top tips on wardrobe clear outs. And I reckon you should listen to her, if only as an excuse to shop on her website. It's brimming with luxury, pre-owned fashion gems such as barely-worn Louboutins and Charlotte Olympias, Anya Hindmarch clutches and Versace and Galliano gowns.
Anyway, here's Emma with all her juicy tips!
Sam x
Spend just 15 minutes doing a quick add up and you’ll be shocked by how much money you have hanging in your closet. If you think of your unworn items as bundles of fifties hanging on a clothes hanger or stuffed into a shoe box, selling them on seems like the only thing to do. Which brings me to number 2…
2) Balance the books
It’s a new fashion season and, of course, you need a whole new wardrobe. A great way to justify your new ‘must haves’ is to trade in some of your ‘no longer wants’. Think of it like part exchanging a car, only far more stylish.
3) Assuage the guilt
We have all made expensive fashion mistakes - those pieces that we just had to have because we saw them looking fabulous in an editorial/on the catwalk/on the red carpet, but that in the cold light of day don’t quite match up on us. Stop torturing yourself – get those guilt inducing items out of your wardrobe, let Style Sequel recoup some of the cost for you and move on.
4) Clothes have feelings too
Ok, technically they don’t but if they did, wardrobes the world over would be ringing with the sobs of gowns, totes and boots that are just not getting the love and attention they deserve. It is so sad to keep something beautiful locked away just because it was not the right choice for you. There is real satisfaction to be gained in knowing that an item that you no longer love yourself has gone on to make another lady’s day/month/year. It’s just good fashion karma.
5 Give yourself some space
It is impossible to dress immaculately if you start from a cluttered place. Take just a little time to clear those bulging rails/shelves/drawers and not only will you actually rediscover items that you do love, you’ll also spend less time battling through the items you are never going to wear to get to the ones you want. Space = Time
Find out more at www.stylesequel.com