Sunday, 8 April 2012


Happy Easter everyone! Hope you are having a great family day together eating a slap-up meal followed by a chocolate overload. We certainly are!

This week has been good to us, we love Bank Holidays and long weekends, but of course we still have our weekly gripes, so here they are.

1.   Samantha Brick - if you have not read THE most obnoxious, arrogant, self-absorbed article then
      here is the link. I think someone needs to throw a brick at her head, it may knock some sense into
      her. However, was her article a cause to raise her profile as a writer?

2.   People who do not hold doors open for you - how rude?!?

3.   Wonky car parking. Please use your mirrors instead of abandoning your car in a position which
      no one can park near because of your idiocy.

4.   Wearing waterfall cardigans under the age of 40. My Mum wears them therefore you shouldn't.

5.   Fillings and foil, have you ever chewed on a bit of foil which you must have accidentally bitten
      along with your creme egg? Ouch it hurts. Fancy chocolate manufacturers wrapping our easter
      eggs with such hazards. We will be peeling our eggs very carefully.

6.   Chain letters which are now done via emails, Facebook or text messaging. Please don't send them
      to me because good things will happen if you pass to 7 friends in the next hour. The good thing
      is that you can just delete them.

7.   Overplucked eyebrows has got to be one of the worst crimes to beauty. Tweezers should only be
      sold to ladies who are responsible enough to use them properly. Just step away from the mirror
      and leave your brows alone instead of obsessively removing every hair until you have nothing
      left but a thread.

8.   This week I had to climb up a ladder and enter the darkness of my loft, in all of its cobweb glory.
      There's a reason why lofts are only entered by men - because they are so darn scary. Have you
      watched Shallow Grave? Yeah, that! I have never left a room so quickly in my life.

9.    I can understand why people like to play golf but I really do not get why you would want to watch
       it on television. If someone could enlighten me to where the entertainment factor is watching  
       someone tee off and you have to wait for the camera to then find where the ball has landed.

10.  Packing for a weekend away may be an easy task for some people but for me it's one massive
       arm ache (for my husband). I have to take everything for every possible eventuality, whether it
       be a fashion crisis or adverse weather conditions. So, today's no.10 grievance is on behalf of my
       husband Steve who will be horrified at the weight of my luggage, yet again.


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