Saturday, 14 April 2012

Our Little Black Book - Fine Little Day

I first found Fine Little Day after surfing Urban Outfitter's rather brilliant homeware section. I love UO homewards because it's full of quirky and unusual finds that really brighten up your home.

Anyway, after falling in love with these brilliant oven mitts (just how cute is the whale mitt?!), I decided to look up the creators, and I'm so glad I did! Their website is packed with fantastic gems and buys to update your home, while the gorgeous wallpapers would make great feature walls to lift a room.

Oven mitts, £12

Fine Little Day is run by a Swedish-based designer and artist, Elisabeth Dunker, but luckily you can ship to the UK...



Drop wall stickers
Dot cups
Mountains wallpaper
Ohoy wallpaper
Handmade wool rug

Polka kitchen towel
Coat hanger Unicorn
Polka dot cushion
Tree cushion
Cutting board 
Stage cutting board

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