Thursday, 26 April 2012

Fabulous Finds - Kiss Her Cushions

Much to my hubby's distress (and constant bewilderment), I am a little bit obsessed with cushions. Sorry, is this a bit stereotypically girly of me?

Anyway, put me in front of a good, quirky cushion and I will find it hard to resist! They make a fantastic centrepiece on any sofa and really brighten up a room - what's not to love?!

I had to quickly hide my credit card when I discovered the amazing Kiss Her  by Bianca Hall. The website is jam-packed with quirky, individual bits and pieces - and the cushions are to die for!

Here's some of my favourites:

Sweet Dreams neon pom pom cushion, £75
Zebras crossing cushion
Pin cushion
Roses cushion
Night night cushion
Smoking cushion

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