As you may know, the much coveted knickers were featured on Channel 4 show 'The Bottom Line,' which documented the trials and tribulations of restarting up a manufacturing business in Middleton using British only companies for services such as materials, packaging, dyeing, etc. to produce a pair of Kinky Knickers. It was a heartwarming program, especially when seeing people who had been unemployed for a long period of time finally getting a job and then the whole team pulling together to create a fabulous product.
The knickers went on sale a few weeks ago and they have been snapped up instantly and many ladies are struggling to find a pair. Luckily for me (and him), my husband bought me a pair of these lacy knickers in the lovely pink and peach colours and I have already worn them. And I have got to tell you, they are very comfy and I love them!
I know it sounds kinda weird but I am proud to be wearing an item which is made from Nottingham Lace; has been sewn by a person who was unemployed a year ago; has been dyed by a company which was about to shut up shop; the packaging made in Britain…..the list goes on. Mary Portas saved quite a few people and their businesses by starting this British business and I am pleased I have been able to support it in my own little way.
Teresa x