Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Miso Funky's Stitch Your Own iPhone Cover

You may remember from this rather rude post that we have a little bit of a thing for Miso Funky. Actually, rather a lot of a thing.

Somehow, Claire from Miso Funky achieves the impossible, making the unglamorous art of cross stitch pretty damn cool. Don't believe me? Just check out her website here - you will love it!

Anyway, she had us head over heels in love with her statement and cheeky cross stitch prints, and now we are in love yet again...just check out these stitch it yourself iPhone covers! How cool are they?

Costing from £4, I think this is one iPhone cover that even my nan would approve of...

Sam x

Diagonals stitch kit
Initials kit
Chevron kit

Gypsy hearts

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