I've been a little bit slack lately with posting book club reads. Actually, make that a LOT slack.
Why? Well, I have to confess that I got swept up in two trilogies - first came The Hunger Games, then came Fifty Shades of Grey. Yes, yes, I know, I feel a little bit ashamed to admit it, but I just couldn't resist that Grey charm!
I thought I'd re-start our book club with Linwood Barclay's The Accident. If you haven't heard of Linwood Barclay before, then I'll just say this - his books are perfect to hit the beach with. Each one is gripping, easy to read, and a real page-turner, making Linwood Barclay the master of thrillers.
The Accident is no exception to the rule, and I found that I'd devoured it in a matter of days. Anyway, I'll leave it to the synopsis to let you know what it's all about...
"Glen Barber's life has just spiralled out of control. His wife's car is found at the scene of a drunk-driving accident that took three lives. Not only is she dead, but it appears she was the cause of the accident. Suddenly Glen has to deal with a potent mixture of emotions: grief at the loss of his wife, along with anger at her reckless behaviour that leaves their young daughter motherless. If only he could convince himself that Sheila wasn't responsible for the tragedy. But as more and more secrets begin to surface, Glen may have to face something much, much worse..."
The Accident had me gripped from start to finish. Barclay writes about the dark underbelly to the American dream brilliantly, making you realise that no one is quite as they seem. And just when you think you've finally figured it out, you haven't...
This book is packed with great characters and hundreds of twists and turns, while it really gets you thinking (I'll tell you this now - I will never, ever buy a fake handbag!) too. While it isn't particularly well-written, this is one of those books that had me up all night, just so that I could find out what happened next.
The Accident costs £3.86 with delivery from Amazon.
Sam x