Sunday, 6 January 2013


It's at the beginning of a new year when we start to analyse where we need to make some vast improvements within our lives. There's plenty of things which can make us pretty grumpy in January, so here's our top tens gripes this week:

1.    I am sure this will be at the top of most people's lists right now - their weight. Yep, who hasn't
       gained a few extra pounds over the festive period? If you didn't then please remain silent whilst the
       rest of us convalesce our selfish compulsion to stuff our faces with loads of naughty foods.

2.    I have a bit of a confession, I really dislike white/ivory winter coats. Mainly because the neckline
       will usually be coloured in a shade of beige or tan from the woman's foundation. It looks dirty and

3.    Trying to get back into the normal routine of getting up early and out the door in the morning
       seems quite a task after the Christmas break. It would seem I am pressing the snooze button a lot
       more at the moment.

4.     Bank balance. Don't think I need to say anything else other than I am avoiding my bank
        statements for the foreseeable future.

5.     People who don't take down their Christmas decorations after the twelve days of Christmas.
        Especially those people who leave the outdoor lights up until next December.

6.     Overflowing recycling bins because there was so much cardboard, plastic and glass bottles binned
        over the last two weeks and a lack of bin collections that we are starting to look like Blue Peter's
        stock cupboard.

7.     Trying to lose the weight after the excessive eating and drinking but going to the supermarket to
        find loads and loads of chocolate all half price because it's Christmas stock. Paying 49p for a
        selection box is a sure way to ruin your good intentions of dieting.

8.     Easter eggs should not be seen on the shop shelves until March. Although, it might be an idea to
        buy the 49p chocolate (read point 7) as a way to save some money.

9.     Removing lights from the Christmas tree can be quite testing of your patience. How on earth do
        they get knotted around the branches so easily?

10.   The worst thing about the aftermath of Christmas? Having to put the decorations back up the attic.
        Anyone else find it really scary when you go up there? Not only is it cold and dark but I always
        think something is hiding up there, like a big spider.

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