Thursday, 17 January 2013


marilyn monroe, birthday, cake

Can you believe it? I Am Into This is now one year old. Where did the time go? And wow what a first year we have had!

It has been one exhilarating ride: lots of late nights trying to get blogposts finished on time, our fabulous day trip to meet Julie Deane at The Cambridge Satchel Company (definitely the highlight of my year!), meeting up with bloggers at fashion events, facing the cast of TOWIE and MIC sitting on an ice rink, our nomination for Cosmopolitan blog awards, the list goes on…..but we would never forget the most important people YOU, our readers and our lovely followers on Twitter. We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you guys, so with all our hearts we thank you.

It has been so lovely meeting lots of new peeps, we absolutely adore Elissa Parker from Magpie Miller, she is one hot lady who is so frickin' cool and sells the most magnificent homewares which we want to fill our homes with.

We have a massive respect for skincare brands Dr Hauschka, Weleda and Abahna who really do want the best for your skin and wellbeing. They were definitely our best discoveries in 2012.

And then we had our own Samantha leaving to have a little baby boy who was born last September. Little Zayn is one very cute baby who I am sure will grace these pages again quite soon! Samantha is going to be coming back at the end of this month, woo hoo!

I can also announce that a new lady shall be joining our team in the very near future, one very cool northern lass who is highly experienced and is hilariously funny. Cannot wait for you all to meet her.

Hopefully it won't be long before this very out of date looking blog will have a bit of a makeover. You see, back in January 2012 when we started this very fine blog, it was in fact a temporary lets-practise-before-we-enter-the-big-wide-world-of-proper-blogging blog. But unbeknown to us, we hit the ground running and became a big hit almost immediately.

Now as you can imagine, we are a little embarrassed of our looks, we really want to get one cool kickass logo and blog revamp which matches our whole ethos "I Am Into This…." to say we are NOT into our blog design is an understatement.

Thankfully now Sam is coming back and we have a new gal joining our crew then things will improve and we can sort out all the bits and bobs which have been on our to-do list for quite some time.

We would love to hear any of your suggestions for what you would love to see more of on I Am Into This and please tell us what you want to see less of too! We are always open to any feedback, I mean, it is you who we aim to please after all. I'd love to hear your ideas (email [email protected]).

Soooo, now please join me for a virtual drink, whether it be a cup of tea, a glass of water or a large glass of wine and say CHEERS to I Am Into This and all the many years ahead of us.

Thank you and cheers

Teresa xoxo

Psst, we might organise a little cocktail party in 2013 so we can get the chance to meet some of you. Mine's a Long Island iced tea, thanks x

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