Friday, 18 January 2013


Well, hello there! What a Friday we are all having, I bet you're not at work, are you? Woo hoo it is snowing so we all have to stay at home and have lots of fun. But before we go outside to do snow angels (doesn't matter how old we are!) then take a look at this week's high street hitlist.

My favourite item this week has got to be the Three Floor embellished sweatshirt, yes it's a bit on the pricey side but by goodness it is frickin' amazing! I love this brand and I am so pleased to see ASOS are now selling it.

So, grab yourselves a cuppa and get looking at this week's top drops (you've got the day off after all). Then drop me a line and let me know what you are coveting right now, we love to hear from you.

Undoubtedly a very happy snowy Friday!

Teresa x


How pretty is this little striped dress? We love it! Would look cool dressed up or down with a cardigan or a cute jacket.

penny dress by motel
Penny Dress By Motel, £45
fluoro lace trousers
Fluoro Lace Jacquard Trousers, £55
embroidered denim skirt
MOTO Embroidered Denim Skirt, £60
tile print dress
Tile Print Tunic Dress, £38
buckle skirt, leather
Black Double Buckle Skirt, £40
denim pinafore dress
MOTO Button Denim Pini Dress, £38
cut out shoes, white
Konnie Cage Cut Out Shoes, £42
paisley, umbrella,
Paris Paisley Walker Umbrella, £22
scallop dress
Scallop Raglan Shift Dress, £46


Besides the super cool Three Floor sweatshirt, we are coveting all items by NW3 and the gorgeous cream Cambridge satchel, such a fab bag to have for Spring!

tshirt dress
T Shirt Dress in Monoclash Print, £55
NW3 yellow cardigan
NW3 Oversized Angora Mix Cardigan, £79
cambridge satchel
Cambridge Satchel 11" leather, £100

We've got a bit of a thing for paisley right now and this skirt is 'COOL AS'. Perfect to wear with tights for winter and in spring it will look great with a pair of pretty flats.

Cooperative Folk Paisley Circle Skirt
Cooperative Folk Paisley Circle Skirt, £35
pattern block jumper, urban outfitters,
Cooperative Pattern Block Jumper, £42


We are still feeling very let down by Zara, they didn't wow us this winter and we are still looking for something in the new drops for Spring to catch our eye. So far, nothing. We do think this blazer is pretty smart though.

zara blazer, zips
Blazer With Zips, £89.99


This shopper bag is rather nice, (it's a lot larger than it looks) it will certainly give your casual look an edge of a more sophisticated street style. Without question a big thumbs up from I Am Into This!

contrast shopper, oasis
Contrast Shopper, £35
striped tube dress
Striped Tube Dress, £45


Again, another high street store which hasn't been wowing us much recently, but this dress definitely caught our eye. You know we love our pockets! 

black tribal pocket dress
Black Tribal Zip Pocket Dress, £40


Have you seen All Saints new collection yet? Go and take a look, there's some fab pieces to be had. Here's a selection of our favourites, quite a few jersey dresses, but we do like something with a bit of give (we did eat a lot of cake yesterday.)

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