Saturday, 1 December 2012

What We Don't Like About The Party Season

For this week's NOT INTO THIS post I thought I would address all those little niggles we have with the party season. Yep, the dreaded work christmas party.

christmas party

Some of you may be looking forward to this year's office party but there are plenty of us who dread them, massively.  Here's some of our gripes with this annual festive tradition:

1.    Choosing an outfit is always difficult for us ladies, why else would we stare at our wardrobes for
       such long periods in absolute despair? This is the one occasion you don't want to be wearing the
       same as the girl who you don't like from accounts.

2.    There's a very strong chance it could be either hammering it down with rain, a snowstorm or
       stupidly freezing. All a girl needs when she has had her hair done specially for the occasion.

3.    You will spend half the night trying to avoid Mick from IT as he tries to hit on you, again.

christmas party

4.    The food served is never that nice so you resort to trying to get a takeaway in the middle of the

5.     The colleague who takes photos on her phone all night and uploads them to Facebook within
        seconds and tags you in every single one.

6.     You spend Monday to Friday with these people, now you are having to spend an evening with
        them too. There's nothing worse than getting stuck with the boring bloke who talks about work all
        night and you struggle to get away from him.

7.     Some companies book the Christmas parties at a location where you either have to stay overnight
        or you are taken in a coach. This means you are unable to leave until the coach arrives to take all
        of you home.

8.     If the work party is a themed Christmas do it could end up being hours of endurance instead of
        party fun. I had to attend a medieval feast once, it was awful. We had to wear bibs whilst we ate
        and during the ridiculously long medieval show we got told off for talking. Not my idea of fun, at

9.     The music can be dreadful. It's almost guaranteed this year's Christmas parties you will be hearing
        the very popular 'Gangnam Style'. It will be hilarious if you see the battle-axe from senior
        management doing her best impression of Psy's infamous dance. Definitely get that filmed and
        uploaded to Youtube!

10.   The worst one of all, having to return to work the following Monday and being told by colleagues
        that when you were in full-on drunken state you thought it was a good idea to tell your manager
        what you really thought of him/her. Cringe!

christmas party

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