Monday, 17 December 2012

What Really Makes A Woman Ugly?

What do you find ugly in a woman?

We hear the many taunts of Susan Boyle in the media and don't even bat an eyelid. Why? Because she really is ugly? Just because she isn't the 'ideal' look for a woman it would seem we find it acceptable to ridicule Susan Boyle for her appearance.

Surely the taunting of Susan Boyle is ugly in itself! And what did this innocent well-natured woman do to deserve this lack of respect? She's not nasty, she doesn't love herself and she certainly has never done anything wrong.

Think about it, what really is ugly? A person's physical appearance or a person's behaviour? Does a less-than-perfect woman deserve to be ostracised because she is not attractive?

Now lets think of this a different way - when you think of what will make you beautiful, I am sure you may wish for the following:

1.  Flawless skin
2.  A million dollar smile
3.  Long, luscious locks
4.  A fantastic body.

Women will go to great lengths to achieve these much strived for physical perfections. Only the other week we witnessed Helen Flanagan on I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here sitting in the Australian jungle incessantly tapping her lips and smothering herself with fake tan whilst other campmates mocked her.

Then look at women who are on a completely different level and are obsessed with plastic surgery. Does anyone think Joan Rivers is beautiful? Probably not. Yet she is compelled to try and perfect herself no matter what the cost.

Do you think a woman only needs the four factors I listed above to be beautiful? Because I think even if you had all of these ideal features you can still be ugly. Simply because I find pretentious people ugly, I find selfish people ugly and I find deceitful people very ugly.

From a child we are taught that the baddies and the monsters are ugly. Physically they will not be pleasant to the eye but more importantly their nastiness is what frightens us the most. Whether we watched Scooby Doo or read Snow White and The Seven Dwarves we were frightened of the witches, the monsters and the wicked stepmothers.

There are only a few things which are truly ugly: people's hatred, people's ignorance and people's prejudice. So the next time you are striving to look beautiful and crying over the horrendous spot on your chin please remember what ugly really is because it aint that spot on your chin.

Teresa x
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