Monday, 3 December 2012

Cambridge Satchel Opens Their First Shop

cambridge satchel

This Saturday, December 8th, The Cambridge Satchel Company shall be opening their first store in Covent Garden, London.

This has got to be the best news to start your week with! Sadly, I am unable to pop down to London this weekend but I shall definitely be making a beeline to see their shop when I travel to Covent Garden in a few weeks time. I cannot wait to see their festive specials, oh and I hope they have every colour of the metallic satchels in stock. I shall be holding each one so I know for sure which colour to buy.

It's no secret that here at I Am Into This we are massive fans of these wonderful leather satchels which are 100% made here in the UK. We will always support this fantastic British business on these fine blog pages and if you ever get the chance to meet the company owner, Julie Deane, then you will understand why.

Anyway, get yourselves down to Seven Dials, Covent Garden, London this Saturday, you are bound to find your perfect Christmas present.

Teresa x

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