Sunday, 16 September 2012

I Am Into This Weekly

Well, what a week it has been….to be frank, I am exhausted! Why? Because I have been out and about, on Tuesday I went to the hotly anticipated 'Pretty Naughty' event held by Rock My Wedding where I met so many lovely people and we partied until the early hours. I still haven't recovered.

For the remainder of the week I have been looking after my son who is quite poorly at the moment but hopefully will be back on the mend soon. I am like a walking zombie and I am so glad I still managed to blog everyday even if it did mean staying up until the early hours. I won't let you folks down! Anyway, here's what has been happening on these very pages…..

Monday I shared with you the ASOS Curve collection for the plus-size lady. I believe this is one of the best ranges I have seen because the outfits are designed to flatter the fuller figure and they definitely do just that.

On Tuesday I blogged about our shopping trip at New Look. Could I buy a great addition to my wardrobe for £15? Take a look at what I bought.

One major trend for this Autumn/Winter is leather. It is everywhere! I chose all of my favourite items from high street to high end and put together some super stylish looks for a great post on Wednesday called Going Hell For Leather.

Thursday it was time to discuss our makeup bag contents, have you got items which are years old? It seems a lot of us ladies find it difficult to discard a favourite eyeshadow when it's past its use by date. Nevertheless we do LOVE shopping for new makeup and I have found some brilliant products which are worthy buys. It's OUT with the old and IN with the new! 

As always Friday saw my favourite picks from the High Street but this week's Hitlist was jam-packed! Have a look at what great buys are to be had, but be warned, there's some fabulous clothes which are going to be difficult to resist.

For Saturday's NOT Into This post I had a moan about the fashion faux pas men make. I only listed 10 points but I think I could have given you another 20. One word - CROCS!

Hope you are having a great weekend, you'll probably find me snoozing on the sofa today.

Teresa x

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