Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Bakewell Soap - Sooo Good For Your Skin

It is not often I get to review anything and on this occasion I decided to get other people to join me in my review. I handed the different Bakewell soaps out to other people with different skin conditions to try. Here's what they all had to say about these fantastic British handmade soaps.

Firstly, there is Mr John Barnes! I am afraid this is not THE John Barnes (footballer who sang a rap in the England World Cup song) but in fact my 67 year old father-in-law who loves to use soap for his morning and nightly face wash. I gave John the Organic Beer and Nettle soap which he used everyday for a month. His verdict: "loved it and I would most definitely use it again!" It lathered up nicely and was very refreshing to use and left his skin feeling superb.

80g, £3.95

Organic beer and nettle leaf soap is inspired by a traditional Olde English Recipe for an early hair shampoo. Organic Ale enhances the bubbliness of the lather. Speckled with vitamin-rich, locally-picked nettle leaf which gives the soap its beautiful, vivid-green marbling. Tea Tree Oil makes this soap naturally antiseptic.

My second tester was Deborah Bennett (Planet Makeup and Hair) who tested the Clay Detox & Toner soap. Debbie used this detoxing soap and found it did exactly what it promised - replenish lost nutrients, close pores and firm up the skin - she found her skin looked the best it had looked in a long time. She was pleasantly surprised to see it didn't dry up her skin which happens with popular branded soaps.

80g, £4.95

White and Pink Argiletz Clay help draw toxins from the skin while retinoid-rich Rosehip & Carrot Oils help replace lost nutrients. Added Witch Hazel tones and tightens the skin by limiting pore size. Has a sweet, slightly medicinal smell.

The final tester was moi. I chose to try the Sea Mint with Kelp soap because I had been suffering with some sore dry skin on my neck and hoped this would help. The Bakewell Soap Company recommend the nutrient-rich Sea Mint with Kelp for people who suffer with eczema, psoriasis or dermatitis.

Throughout the month of using this soap twice a day the sore scaly patch of skin on my neck cleared up. I have had this dodgy patch of skin (looks like crepe paper) for over six months and nothing I tried has made it any better until I used this miracle soap. Unfortunately since I ran out of the soap my crepe paper neck patch has returned so I definitely need to buy another bar of this soap.

Besides my neck, the rest of my skin was clear and looked fantastic throughout the summer, I didn't encounter the usual oily T-zone which I am blessed with and my pores were nicely decreased in size. So, this soap gets a massive thumbs up from me!

80g, £4.95

The Sea Mint with Kelp soap is lightly scented with anti-inflammatory peppermint that has a cooling effect on the skin. The sea kelp extract helps draw toxins from the skin. This soap is rich in fatty acids and anti-oxidants essential for healthy skin.

Here's the scientific bit which explains the wonderful reason why The Bakewell Soaps are so amazing.

All soaps incorporate the finest natural ingredients including sustainably-grown Columbian Organic Palm Oil. Cruelty free.
All moisturising soaps are made from premium ingredients, free from Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) and paragons. Made with Olive, Organic Palm & Coconut oils, Cocoa and Shea Butter, and super fatted with 3% Golden Jojoba Oil. Coloured naturally using our own herbal infusions, these soaps contain nothing but pure essential oil and botanical extracts providing exceptional therapeutic properties to keep skin in tip-top condition.

The range of pure, gentle soaps developed for those who suffer from highly sensitive skin each contain a blend of soothing, anti-inflammatory oils and botanicals that are safe to use on the most demanding of complexions. SLS free and Parabens free.

I must say, I don't normally post reviews unless a product has really blown me away. The Bakewell Soap Company have produced a fantastic range of soaps at very affordable prices which work wonders. I cannot recommend them enough.

Teresa x

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