Saturday, 11 August 2012

Little Black Book - H+M Homeware

OK, OK, so this is a bit of a 'cheat' Little Black Book because I know you've all heard of H+M. Well, at least I hope you have - if you haven't, where have you been living?!

Anyway, cheats aside, Teresa and I are so head over heels in love with their homeware (especially the kid's stuff!) that I thought it deserved a feature all on its own...

Not only is it all ridiculously cheap, but it's also fanbloodytastic. There is something to brighten up each and every single home - and if you're about to get started in decorating your nursery, then you are in for a treat!

Sam x

Baby Room

How gorgeous are these picks for a nursery?! Super bright and colourful, incredibly well-priced and unlike anything else any of the other stores have to offer!
Kids Room

Right, I'll hold my hands up right now and say that I want half of these things myself! The mini play tents and the tree trunk cushions are just too cool. Do you think hubby would object if I moved a tent into our bedroom?
Kitchen and Lounge

I adore these printed cushion covers, especially the geometric ones - and you most definitely cannot argue with the price! Love, love, love. I sense a redecorating session coming on...

I've never seen such unique prints on towels and shower mats before! These are amazing for nailing that Aztec, traveller-chic trend that's so popular right now. And they're cheap enough to change when you're bored! Bargain...

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