Monday, 13 August 2012

Baby Gifts You'll Want to Keep

When the gorgeous ladies at Sorella ( sent me a pair of these fluffy, Alpaca wool baby booties by Samantha Holmes, I actually sat there for a whole afternoon stroking them. They are ridiculously soft! Also containing bamboo fibre as well as the Alpaca fleece (appropriately known as the "gold of the Incas"), they are quite simply stunning.

But that's not all Sorella has to offer. Based in Hexham and run by two lovely lovely sisters, Moira and Liz, they sell pretty much everything under the sun - and are the perfect destination for buying the special people in your life lovely, one-off gifts.

So, what do they sell? Well, not only do they offer beautiful baby booties, but they stock delicious beauty treats (including our favourites Abahna!), delicious smelling candles (the Irish Sea candle left my home smelling beautifully clean and fresh), and fabulous homewares.

Since I also have a mini (OK, a massive) obsession with leather notebooks, the leather journals are also catching my eye too...And if, like me, you'd like to bury your own tootsies in Alpaca wool (although a full-body stocking wouldn't go amiss either!), you can always treat yourself to the adult slippers...

So, what are you waiting for? If you have a baby shower, a birthday or a house warming coming up, get looking! 

The lovely ladies at Sorella have been kind enough to offer an exclusive 10% off for all I Am Into This readers - simply type in the code IAMINTOTHIS at the checkout to enjoy.

Sam x

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