Tuesday, 6 November 2012

The Best Quick Fix for Your Feet

I'm going to be brutally honest with you, when it comes to winter I am the first to pack away my Havianas, grab a pair of fluffy socks and my feet are put into hibernation until I see a daffodil spring up the following year. 

I'm sure I cannot be the only one…..seriously, who has a weekly pedicure during winter? If no one is going to see your tootsies then why bother? If I was walking the red carpet amongst celebrities and models then sure my feet would be baby soft and my toe nails would be painted with the latest must-have nail polish. 

I am not going to pretend I have good looking feet because I haven't. Like all other women I suffer with the dreaded hard skin on the soles of my feet. Thankfully I have never had cracked heels or any sort of fungal infection but I would say my feet are not given the same attention as my hair or my face simply because they're not on show all the time. A girl has got to prioritise her beauty regime to the more noticeable areas.

Anyway, since Summer disappeared my feet are only occasionally seeing a foot file, a pumice stone, or a foot spa. I still moisturise them and have a new shade of nail polish on them every week but that's it. Yeah, lazy I know.

A couple of weeks ago I tried Footner exfoliating socks. I had never heard of them before, how I had never heard of them goodness knows because they are bloomin' ace! 

The best bit about it, you don't really have to do anything other than slip the sock-like bag things on your feet for an hour. I sat and did some paperwork whilst the Footner got to work. Once the hour was over I removed the socks and rinsed my feet. Job done.

The Footner Exfoliating Socks activate the skin's peeling effect causing the upper layer of the skin to peel off. The exfoliation process begins 5-10 days after wearing the socks and lasts for a total of 5-10 days. Now, you might think your feet shedding their skin could be a bit "ewww" but actually it was okay. In fact, the initial shedding was big pieces peeling off and I'm not one for picking but removing this skin was quite enjoyable (bit like peeling the PVA glue off your hands when you were little!) The rest of the skin was much less noticeable. After 10 days my feet were silky smooth and definitely the softest they had ever been.


The best bit I don't have to do this treatment again for another 3 months, so for £19.99 (buy them from Boots) every 3 months I would definitely say this is money well spent. I am definitely converted.

Teresa x
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