Thursday, 7 February 2013

Thursday Treats - Homemade Oreo Truffles

I know, I know, it’s only February – it’s still prime detox season. I shouldn’t be posting recommendations for deliciously moreish, scrumptious chocolate truffles.

Oh, wait, who am I kidding? Yes I should…

Anyway, this recipe for my homemade truffles is one of my most fiercely guarded secrets. They are a firm, firm favourite with my hubby and friends (I think many of them would happily live off the things), yet very few people know how easy they are to make.

Whenever I present these truffles, people are so impressed and think I’ve spent hours tempering chocolate and making them look so pretty. In fact, they only involve three – yes, three! – ingredients and can be made in minutes. Bonus.

I got the idea from some cake pops Lorraine Pascale made using Nutella, so perhaps I shouldn’t take all the credit myself. But here we are...

Sam x

P.S Have a play around on the biscuit in the middle and the ‘binding’ – Nutella works brilliantly, as does peanut butter and cream cheese. I’m keen to attempt a ginger version with Cadbury’s Philadelphia too!

Oreo Truffles


1 pack Double-stuffed Oreos (the regular ones work too, but the double-stuffed are extra special!)
¾ pack full-fat cream cheese, at room temp
Four bars of white chocolate (Milky Bar works particularly well)


1) Blitz the Oreos in a food processor, then set a few crumbs aside. Mix the rest in with the cream cheese. I use a spoon because I hate using my hands, but I think it would be much quicker if you just dove right in! Add the cream cheese to taste, but I tend to use about 180 – 200g.

2) Roll the mixture into balls (however big you like your truffles), then pop them on a tinfoil-lined tray and shove them in the freezer!

3) When they’re a bit firmer (around 20 mins), get them out and get to work on melting the white chocolate. White chocolate can be a little trickier to melt, but I tend to do it in 30 second blasts in the microwave.

4) Once you have lovely, gooey, thick, melted white chocolate, start dipping the balls in and rolling them around. I find it helps to have two spoons to do this!

5) Before they’ve set, sprinkle each truffle with the remaining Oreo crumbs.

Peanut Butter Truffles:


1 pack Double-stuffed Oreos
Tub smooth peanut butter
400g chocolate (I use a mix of dark and milk)


Follow the above steps, just substituting the cream cheese for the peanut butter and the white chocolate for the mixed!

Nutella Truffles:

1 pack Double-stuffed Oreos
Tub Nutella
400g chocolate (mix of dark and milk) 


Again, just follow the above steps! 

You can thank me later, if you can talk through all the chocolate crammed into your mouth...
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