tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-4121736907319908597.post3194502473325699440..comments2012-04-04T04:15:28.340+01:00Comments on I Am Into This: Post-Pregnancy Body Pressuresi Am Into Thishttp://www.blogger.com/profile/01360603624050156801[email protected]Blogger4125tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-4121736907319908597.post-50180536148999338892012-04-02T17:12:41.579+01:002012-04-02T17:12:41.579+01:00I&#39;m sorry to hear your daughter is in the same...I&#39;m sorry to hear your daughter is in the same boat as me. It&#39;s so silly that women feel this need to look like an impossible dream - I will never look like Heidi Klum, post-pregnancy, pre-pregnancy, NEVER! After writing this post, I did sit down and eat a HUGE Dominos though. And it felt GREAT! xi Am Into Thishttp://www.blogger.com/profile/01360603624050156801[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-4121736907319908597.post-10039179156002775322012-04-02T16:52:54.171+01:002012-04-02T16:52:54.171+01:00Good for u for saying this! I had my babies 25 yea...Good for u for saying this! I had my babies 25 years ago and I never felt the pressure to lose the weight or to be a particular shape. The media have a lot to answer for. I know my daughter (she&#39;s pregnant) is already starting to worryAnonymous[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-4121736907319908597.post-15537229355879487502012-04-02T09:59:30.864+01:002012-04-02T09:59:30.864+01:00Absolutely! It&#39;s not just unrealistic, I just ...Absolutely! It&#39;s not just unrealistic, I just don&#39;t believe it&#39;s healthy. I&#39;m not suggesting we all binge and gorge on food throughout pregnancy and use it as an excuse. But it is normal AND healthy to put on weight when you&#39;re pregnant - it&#39;s only logic! And given that it takes 9 months to put on, it&#39;s going to take a while to get back off too...i Am Into Thishttp://www.blogger.com/profile/01360603624050156801[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-4121736907319908597.post-16290673180664628182012-04-02T07:35:39.720+01:002012-04-02T07:35:39.720+01:00This is one of the things that drives me bonkers! ...This is one of the things that drives me bonkers! Heidi Klum back on the Victoria&#39;s Secret catwalk about three months after giving birth! How bloody unrealistic can you get? Women are under enough pressure as it is to be thin, to exercise for three hours a day or something ridiculous, without being told that they&#39;re too big when they&#39;re pregnant. Some women put on weight, a lot of weight when they&#39;re pregnant. <br />Being pregnant is a time when your body changes and to tell you how it should look is ridiculous. It&#39;s hard enough to deal without the hormones and the changes in your body without having additional pressure put on you. So if you want to have a couple of days off from exercise then do it. Have some chocolate. But ignore the silly magazines and Daily Fail. Just be healthy. That&#39;s the best thing for you and your baby. A happy, healthy mother is the best thing he or she could ask for xBare Faced Chichttp://www.blogger.com/profile/00272923999765013382[email protected]