tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-4121736907319908597.post3194502473325699440..comments2012-04-04T04:15:28.340+01:00Comments on I Am Into This: Post-Pregnancy Body Pressuresi Am Into Thishttp://www.blogger.com/profile/01360603624050156801[email protected]Blogger4125tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-4121736907319908597.post-50180536148999338892012-04-02T17:12:41.579+01:002012-04-02T17:12:41.579+01:00I'm sorry to hear your daughter is in the same...I'm sorry to hear your daughter is in the same boat as me. It's so silly that women feel this need to look like an impossible dream - I will never look like Heidi Klum, post-pregnancy, pre-pregnancy, NEVER! After writing this post, I did sit down and eat a HUGE Dominos though. And it felt GREAT! xi Am Into Thishttp://www.blogger.com/profile/01360603624050156801[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-4121736907319908597.post-10039179156002775322012-04-02T16:52:54.171+01:002012-04-02T16:52:54.171+01:00Good for u for saying this! I had my babies 25 yea...Good for u for saying this! I had my babies 25 years ago and I never felt the pressure to lose the weight or to be a particular shape. The media have a lot to answer for. I know my daughter (she's pregnant) is already starting to worryAnonymous[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-4121736907319908597.post-15537229355879487502012-04-02T09:59:30.864+01:002012-04-02T09:59:30.864+01:00Absolutely! It's not just unrealistic, I just ...Absolutely! It's not just unrealistic, I just don't believe it's healthy. I'm not suggesting we all binge and gorge on food throughout pregnancy and use it as an excuse. But it is normal AND healthy to put on weight when you're pregnant - it's only logic! And given that it takes 9 months to put on, it's going to take a while to get back off too...i Am Into Thishttp://www.blogger.com/profile/01360603624050156801[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-4121736907319908597.post-16290673180664628182012-04-02T07:35:39.720+01:002012-04-02T07:35:39.720+01:00This is one of the things that drives me bonkers! ...This is one of the things that drives me bonkers! Heidi Klum back on the Victoria's Secret catwalk about three months after giving birth! How bloody unrealistic can you get? Women are under enough pressure as it is to be thin, to exercise for three hours a day or something ridiculous, without being told that they're too big when they're pregnant. Some women put on weight, a lot of weight when they're pregnant. <br />Being pregnant is a time when your body changes and to tell you how it should look is ridiculous. It's hard enough to deal without the hormones and the changes in your body without having additional pressure put on you. So if you want to have a couple of days off from exercise then do it. Have some chocolate. But ignore the silly magazines and Daily Fail. Just be healthy. That's the best thing for you and your baby. A happy, healthy mother is the best thing he or she could ask for xBare Faced Chichttp://www.blogger.com/profile/00272923999765013382[email protected]